Success Stories

Confolentais, FR

There is nothing more local than in Confolentais!

Located in western France in the region of Confolentais, Metha Confolentais is a waste-to-energy plant with a biomethane production of around 125 Nm³/h. The biogas is purified and then injected in the local gas distribution grid, thus providing energy for 430 local households! Fed by mainly agricultural byproducts and waste,

the biomethane plant utilizes feedstock from a small group of local farmers. The PowerRing technology has the benefit of low operating costs and the ability to treat the entire feedstock mix without any dilution or recirculation, thus providing an optimum basis for future project growth and diversification.

Confolentais Biomethane Plant

  • 125 Nm³/h (37,372 MMBTU/year)
  • Around 60 metric tons per day are processed
  • Natural gas is collected mainly from manure, slurry and wheat residues
  • Uses feedstock produced by a group of 10 Farmers

Project Timeline

  • September 2019: Breaking ground
  • 10 months of construction
  • October 2020: First gas production
  • November 2020: Gas-grid injection

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